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Virtual Play

Nov 4, 2018

Bill and I are in the last night of Metatopia 2018.  We're excited about the result of our playtest of Dying is Easy.  In many ways, the evolution of Dying is Easy over the past two Metatopias and particularly this weekend shows how Metatopia helps designers finish their games.  Have a listen!  


Nov 2, 2018

Bill and are continue our Metatopia special episodes with a discussion about and excerpt from a game Bill wrote called "the Indie Scene".  The game will be a chapter in Bill's book on the Forge, which was an online discussion forum for RPG design, publication and play.  

Nov 1, 2018

Bill and I are at Day 1 of Metatopia, the Game Design Festival in Morristown NJ.  We briefly discuss the games we are here to playtest, including an excerpt from a moment of play in a game that inspired our thinking about the design of one of those games.  The excerpt is from a game in development by E. Tage...